Ms. Rasmimi Ramli
Deputy Executive Director of Professional Practices & Technical at MIA

Ms. Rasmimi Ramli is Deputy Executive Director of Professional Practices & Technical at MIA. She is responsible for finance and technical activities which includes public sector and financial reporting. She is a member of the Government Accounting Standards Advisory Committee (GASAC), a committee that develops public sector accounting standards in Malaysia. Rasmimi develops draft responses to the International Public Sector Accounting Standards Board (IPSASB) consultation documents and writes technical articles and publications on public sector. She actively participates in working groups and task forces on the Malaysian accounting standards and provides technical assistance to the World Bank Group on IFRS transition projects. She was a Technical Advisor of the IPSASB from 2013 to 2015. She spent 8 years with major audit firms in Malaysia and United Kingdom (UK). Prior to joining MIA, she was an Internal Audit Manager with a major telco. Rasmimi is a Chartered Accountant of MIA and a Fellow Member of ACCA. She graduated from Cardiff University, UK.