CA J. Venkateswarlu
Central Council Member ICAI

Mr. J. Venkateswarlu elected to the Central Council of ICAI from Southern Region for 3 successive terms, 2007-10, 2010-13 & 2013-16. He was also elected to the Southern India Regional Council (SIRC) of ICAI for 3 terms from 1998 to 2007. During this period, he held the positions of Secretary (2002-03), Vice-Chairman (2003-04) & Chairman (2004-05). As a Central Council Member, served / serving in all the Standing & Non– standing Committees of the Council such as Executive Committee, Finance Committee, Disciplinary Committee, Examination Committee, Committee on Banking, Insurance and Pension, Accounting Standards Board, Auditing and Assurance Standards Board, Corporate Laws and Governance Committee, Direct Taxes Committee, Indirect Taxes Committee, Expert Advisory Committee, Ethical standards Board, Perspective Planning Committee, Peer Review Board, I.T. Committee and has been actively participating in the Meetings of Council / Committees.
Practicing as a Chartered Accountant in Hyderabad since 1985, rendering professional services in the fields of Auditing, Accounting, Finance, Banking, Taxation, Corporate Laws and Management Consulting. With over 30 years of standing in the profession of Chartered Accountancy dealing in the subjects of accountancy, auditing, finance, taxation, banking, NBFCs, Charitable Organisations, corporate and other economic laws, familiar and well versed with the Law, Regulations procedures and functioning of corporates in various business / fields.
During the tenure in Central Council of ICAI (2007-16), was the Chairman / Member of Committee on Banking, Insurance and pension (COBIP) of ICAI in almost all the years. During this period worked closely with IRDA and Insurance Industry and contributed in various activities relating to Insurance as under:
Involved in design and preparation of :
a) Technical Guide on Internal / Concurrent Audit of Investment functions of Insurance Companies, 2009 and 2013, published by ICAI.
b) Technical Guide on Review and Certification of Investment Risk Management systems and processes of Insurance Companies, 2008 and 2013 published by ICAI.
Both the above Technical Guides were mandated by IRDA for those who are carrying out the respective functions in Insurance Companies.
c) Course material and orientation programme for the post qualification course of ICAI in Insurance and Risk Management (DIRM).Back