Pak-Qatar Family & General Takaful Limited
Silver Sponsors SAFA Conference 2016
Pak-Qatar Family Takaful Limited
Pak-Qatar Family Takaful Limited, the pioneers of Family Takaful, is a progressive and a technology-driven Shari’ah Compliant company providing innovative Takaful solutions in Pakistan. The company is the fastest growing Family Takaful operator in the region.
Incorporated in 2006, and beginning operations in 2007, the company is registered with, and supervised by, the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP). An independent Shari’ah Advisory Board chaired by Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani certifies all products and operations for Shari’ah compliance. The company is rated A (having Stable Outlook) by JCR-VIS Credit Rating Co. Ltd.
The company’s vision of providing financial protection through Takaful to everyone is supported by some of the strongest financial institutions in the state of Qatar. Pak-Qatar is the first dedicated Takaful Group in Pakistan starting with both Family and General Takaful operations. The paid-up capital of Pak-Qatar Family is in excess of Rs. 700 million. Pak-Qatar Family Takaful Limited is chaired by Sheikh Ali bin Abdullah al-Thani, member of Qatar’s Royal Family.
The company is further strengthened by its Re-Takaful arrangements with Munich-Re, Hannover Re and Takaful–Re and strategic BancaTakaful alliance with financial instituions.
Pak-Qatar Family Takaful Ltd. is recipient of several domestic and international awards and nominations. In 2009, the company won the ‘Best Family Takaful’ award by 1st National Achievers Award. Karachi, and the ‘Best Use of Technology’ award by the Islamic Business & Finance Awards, UAE.
Pak-Qatar General Takaful Limited
Amongst the pioneers of Takaful in Pakistan, Pak-Qatar General Takaful Limited offers a comprehensive products’ portfolio for the national Takaful market. The company provides quality financial services, need-based and tailored to cater to customized circumstances, with all efforts being made in line with the Group’s vision and mission in a bid to provide everyone with the benefits of Takaful.
Pak-Qatar General Takaful Limited is chaired by Sheikh Ali bin Abdullah al-Thani, member of Qatar’s Royal Family, and sponsored by some of the strongest financial institutions form the State of Qatar.
The Company’s paid-up capital is in excess of Rs. 400 million, with a credit rating of ‘A-’ (Single A Minus) having ‘Positive’ Outlook by the JCR-VIS Credit Rating Company Limited and ‘A’ by PACRA. The company has its presence in all major cities of Pakistan, and is on track to expanding its branch network.
Pak-Qatar General Takaful Limited is amongst the first, and the most active, in vitalizing the retail Takaful market in Pakistan.
The Company is the recipient of several domestic and international awards and nominations, amongst which was the “Best Use of Technology” award by the Islamic Business & Finance Awards, UAE. Moreover, the Company has forged Re-Takaful relationships with leading international financial institutions. An ever-vigilant Shari’ah Advisory Board of renowned and erudite scholars steers the Group in a direction that suits a Shari’ah-compliant business entity, thereby ensuring commitment to very high professional and professional standards.
Company Website: http://www.pakqatar.com.pk/