Company Profile – Service Industries Limited
Silver Sponsors SAFA Conference 2016
Service Industries Limited has achieved an outstanding reputation in Pakistan’s business community with over 50 years of diversified experience. Over the years, our umbrella brand, SERVIS, has evolved as one of the finest brands of footwear, two/three wheeler tyres/tubes and auto parts in Pakistan. SERVIS enjoys a respectable place in several countries. It has established its roots in three continents, i.e. Asia, Africa and Europe.
Service Industries Limited is listed on all the stock exchanges of the country. With a work force of over 9,000 employees and a turnover of approximately US $165 million per annum, we are a low-cost producer, selling and growing profitably, doubling our sales every five years, and earning a fair profit for the shareholders.
Our growing portfolio of brands prides in nationwide network that touches millions of lives every day. SERVIS today has a strong presence in Pakistan with over 7000, retail/wholesale outlets and a continuously growing international clientele. We are proud to be an undisputed market leader in bicycle & motorcycle tyres in Pakistan for both OEM & Replacement market. We are the major supplier of tyres to Japanese motorcycle manufacturers like HONDA, YAMAHA and other local motorcycle assemblers in Pakistan. We are also producing wheel barrows and three wheeler tyres & tubes for foreign and domestic markets.
We are determined to provide consumer satisfaction through exceptional product quality and to demonstrate that we are meeting our commercial goals in an unmatched manner.
Company Website: http://www.servisgroup.com/