The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan is looking for dynamic, charismatic young Chartered Accountant, who will get the opportunity of life time.

Our search for a young, enthusiastic, full of energy Chartered Accountant is in full swing. If you are a Chartered Accountant under the age of thirty-five years, you could represent ICAP and Chartered Accountants Worldwide at the One Young World 2022 Summit, Manchester, UK from 5 to 8 September. The summit attracts the finest young talent from across the globe to share their experiences and ideas and harnesses innovative thinking.

ICAP will be proud to sponsor the successful candidate who will not only get the opportunity to meet influential figures from across the world but will get an opportunity to represent Pakistan at a mega event.


  • Chartered Accountants under the age of 35 years
  • Candidates must have:
  • Excellent communication skills
  • Full command in spoken and written English
  • Exemplify leadership
  • Greater knowledge of current issues

Candidates must demonstrate:

  • Evidence of commitment to creating positive change in Pakistan. This commitment can come in many forms; ranging from a high level of involvement in community initiatives to social entrepreneurship or from leading responsible business practices to public service.
  • Leadership ability and examples
  • Concern and knowledge of local and related global issues must be evident
  • Ability to generate, articulate and achieve impactful ideas
  • Teamwork