Recognized CPD Activities
a. Attending short courses, seminars, conferences, lectures
CPD Credit Hours:
Actual classroom time. For a full day session, a credit of 8 hours and for a half-day session 4 hours, subject to maximum 120 hours in a rolling period.
Evidence to be kept:
Certificates of attendance/course contents in case it is a non-ICAP course -
b. Completing degree courses and studying professional certifications
CPD Credit Hours:
Professional Qualifications Members bodies of IFAC, CISA, CIA 5 times of the examination hours, subject to a maximum of 120 hours in a rolling period.
Degree Courses As accredited by the HEC approved or Foreign Institute/ University. On completion of a certification/course, 1/3 of actual contact hours. However, the maximum CPD hours that can be given under this head shall be subject to maximum of 120 hours in a rolling period.
Evidence to be kept:
Degree/ Certification -
c. Undertaking research/writing of books on professional interest
CPD Credit Hours:
08 hours per article/paper Should not exceed more than 72 hours in a rolling period.
Evidence to be kept:
Original copy of journal/publication -
d. Self-development and Virtual Learning
CPD Credit Hours:
Actual hours determined by Service providers, subject to maximum of 120 hours in a rolling period.
Evidence to be kept:
SelfâCertification, Computer generated Certificate, Any other third-party evidence, Attendance/topic(s) to be communicated to the CPD Directorate within 2 weeks of watching CD/Videos -
e. Parcticipating as presenter/session chairman/moderator in short courses, seminars
CPD Credit Hours:
Twice the actual time of the presentation, subject to maximum of 120 hours in a rolling period.
Evidence to be kept:
To be declared on the Reporting Form -
f. Preparation for teaching relevant professional or degree courses
CPD Credit Hours:
Actual time consumed in preparation, subject to a maximum of 120 hours in a rolling period.
Evidence to be kept:
To be declared on the Reporting Form -
g. Participating on ICAP Council, Committee meetings
CPD Credit Hours:
Actual time of the meeting, subject to a maximum of 120 hours in a rolling period.
Evidence to be kept:
To be declared on the Reporting Form -
h. Writing of books on professional interest, technical and reference manuals
CPD Credit Hours:
3 hours per page of technical content. Maximum 60 hours per release, subject to maximum of 120 hours in a rolling period.
Evidence to be kept:
Copy of the publication -
i. General/Self Certified readings
CPD Credit Hours:
Actual reading time, subject to maximum of 30 hours per rolling period.
Evidence to be kept:
Reasonable details to be kept -
j. On Job Learning
CPD Credit Hours:
Half of the actual hours spent on the assignments and initiatives, subject to maximum of 60 credit hours in three year rolling period.
Evidence to be kept:
Confirmation of employer and details of learning outcomes. -
k. Specific Learning for Engagement partners
CPD Credit Hours:
Option A Atleast 30 hours in each rolling period in the area of Audit, Financial reporting and Accounting, Governance & Risk, Ethics, Corporate Laws, ISA & IFRS.
Option B In compliance with IES 8, specific learning outcomes for Engagement Partners to be covered as mentioned in CPD Directive, Annexure B, Table A
Evidence to be kept:
Certificates of attendance