Page 11 - Newsletter-November-2017
P. 11
Governance, Transparency and Service to Members & Students audience to speak impromptu for one to two minutes. The general evaluator of the meeting DTM Iftikhar Taj and his team conducted the Evaluation session. One hundred and twenty-fifth meeting of the club was held on September 27, 2017. A training session was conducted by TM Zunair Zafar on the topic ‘Impromptu Speaking’ from the Better Speaker Series of Toastmasters International. Toastmaster of the meeting TM Adeel Mumtaz conducted the meeting. TM Latif Ahmed Saqi delivered his fourth speech project titled ‘Living the moment’ and was evaluated by TM Zunair Zafar. TM Muhammad Safder delivered his advanced speech project of selling a product in which he gave a presentation of selling a smart phone and was evaluated by DTM Iftikhar Taj. The Table Topic session was conducted by TM Zunair Zafar which was evaluated by TM Mustafa Ahmed Khan. The general evaluator of the meeting was TM Ghulam Abbas. ICAP members Rizwan Ghani and Muhammad Asim who attended the meeting as guests saw the value of the platform and decided to join the club. Intraclub competitions will be held during November. Prepared Speech contest and Evaluation contest will be held on November 8 and Prepared Speech contest and Table Topic speech contest will be held on November 22, 2017. The regular meetings are held on alternate Wednesdays and guests are always welcome. CA Toastmasters Club Islamabad CA Toastmasters Club Islamabad conducted two meetings during September 2017. Meeting no. 27 was held on September 14, 2017 and was themed ‘Attitude is Everything’ and the word of the week was ‘Tantalise’ meaning ‘to torment, taunt, tempt, frustrate.’ The meeting was called to order by the Seargent at Arms, TM Hassan Nawaz, who handed over the control to presiding officer, TM Faisal Shuja. TM Faisal shared his views on the theme of the meeting, asked guests for introductions and transferred the control to TM Mudassar Ghulam Nabi as Toastmaster of the evening. TM Muhammad Khizar conducted an entertaining Table Topic session which was followed by a Prepared Speech session. TM Saad Inam delivered his first project ‘Icebreaker’ from the Competent Communication Manual wherein he shared the story of his life. TM Malik Muhammad Omair delivered presentation from Leadership Excellency Series wherein he talked about motivation and how to motivate one’s team and derive maximum career benefits. November 2017 11
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