Dignitaries & Speakers

Dr. Miftah Ismail
Minister of Finance
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Mr. Riaz A. Rehman Chamdia
President ICAP
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Mr. Javaid Jehangir
Auditor General of Pakistan
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Ms. Gillian Fawcett
Head of International Affair, CIPFA
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Mr. Rashid Ibrahim
Chairman PFM Conference Committee
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Mr. Andrew Burns
President, CIPFA
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Mr. Abdullah Yusuf
ICAP Council Member
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Syed Asad Ali Shah
Senior Partner Deloitte
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Mr. Salman Amin
Executive Director, NEPRA
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Mr. Ali Sibtain
Director Finance
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Mr. Rana M. Usman Khan
Council Member ICAP
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Mr. Asad Umar
Member National Assembly
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