The Institute of Chartered Accountant of Pakistan (ICAP) was established on 01 July 1961
with the prime objective of regulating the profession of accounting in Pakistan.
The profession of Chartered Accountants in Pakistan is the hallmark of professional excellence, upholding the principles of integrity, transparency and accountability.
To achieve excellence in professional competence, add value to businesses and economy, safeguard public interest; ensure ethical practices and contribute to good corporate governance while recognising the needs of globalisation.
The Institute is committed to regulate the education, training and examination of its students in order
to ensure that a newly qualified Chartered Accountant can continue to be confidently regarded as.
Members of ICAP are an integral part of the Institute. They are not only the guardians
of the ICAP values and discipline but also the proof of it.
ICAP Students, Members and others can communicate with Institute through the
following alternate ways.
The Department is committed to meet the technical needs of the members, to embrace change
and equip members to adapt to the evolving and expanding professional requirements.
These publications form the body of literature that fosters the Institute’s policy of promoting
education and research.
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan is a member of the following International organizations.