Fellow RAETs

S.No. Name of Institute Rank City
1 ARTT Business School Fellow Karachi
2 Al-Hamd Academy Fellow Karachi
3 College of Accountancy & Professional Studies (CAPS) Fellow Lahore
4 SKANS School of Accountancy Fellow Lahore
5 The Professionals’ Academy of Commerce (PAC) Fellow Lahore
6 School of Business and Management Fellow Islamabad
7 SKANS School of Accountancy Fellow Islamabad
8 School of Business and Management Fellow Rawalpindi
9 SKANS School of Accountancy Fellow Rawalpindi
10 The TIPS College of Accountancy (TCA) Fellow Faisalabad
11 The Professionals’ Academy of Commerce Fellow Peshawar
12 SKANS School of Accountancy Fellow Peshawar
13 Tabani’s School of Accountancy (TSA) Fellow Karachi
14 SKANS School of Accountancy Fellow Multan
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