Embracing Healthier Lifestyle & Avoiding Risk of Breast Cancer

Embracing Healthier Lifestyle & Avoiding Risk of Breast Cancer October 20, 2021 | 4:00pm to 5:00pm In-person at ICAP Karachi & Lahore or on-line through zoom For ICAP women members, students & staff and women family members of our male fraternity According to the World Health Organization (WHO), breast cancer is the second most common […]

President Connect on “Exposure draft of Education and Training Scheme 2021

Please join the President Connect on “Exposure draft of Education and Training Scheme 2021” and share your comments in an interactive session with President ICAP, Mr. Iftikhar Taj. All students, teaching faculty, RAETs, practicing & industry members of ICAP are kindly requested to join the session through registration on their respective links as follows: S# […]

Announcement regarding AFC Examination Summer 2021

June 03, 2021 Dear Examinees, We are pleased to announce that the government has allowed us to hold AFC Examination – Summer 2021 at examination center by following all prescribed SOPs for prevention of COVID-19. Please note that option for appearing in the exams i.e. either through center based or under remote proctoring, marked at […]

Professional Development Series

In continuation of our insightful series of webinars titled ‘Professional Development Series’, this time we have partnered with MECA CFO Academy for the 4th episode on ‘Preparing for the Future of Finance’. Please join us on 28th May, 2021 live via zoom: https://icap-edu-pk.zoom.us/j/89592748881?pwd=WXpUUVBYV2VlQjRZVVYzbVNjSW02QT09

Announcement regarding CFAP, MSA AND WST Examinations Summer 2021

May 19, 2021 Dear Examinees, We are pleased to announce that the government has allowed us to hold CFAP, MSA and WST Examinations – Summer 2021 at examination center by following all prescribed SOPs for prevention of COVID-19. Please note that option for appearing in the exams i.e. either through center based or under remote […]

ICAP Elections 2021

Dear Member, According to Bye-Law 11(1) of the Chartered Accountants Bye-Laws, 1983 the Council of the Institute hereby notifies that the next election of the Council (17th) and the Regional Committees (i.e. Northern and Southern) will be held on September 11, 2021. As per Bye-Law 12 of the Chartered Accountants Bye-Laws, 1983, the members whose […]

Model Federal Budget 2021-22 and Proposals for Growth Of Pakistan’s Economy:

For the first time, The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan (ICAP) through its Economic Advisory and Government Relationship Committee (EAGR) platform has prepared Model Federal Budget and Proposals for Economy’s Growth and presented to Federal Ministry. Mr. Ashfaq Tola, Vice President ICAP and Chairman EAGR Committee, accompanied by Mr. Ali Latif, Vice President ICAP […]