Digital Competency Assessment (DCA)

The dependence on technology in our day-to-day life is so evident that no one can afford to ignore it. The use of technology in audit and accountancy practices is no more an option. To stay relevant, firms must leverage technology. The SMP Committee of the Institute is cognizant of the fact that digital competence is a challenge for SMPs and hence the Institute has developed a Digital Competence Assessment (DCA) survey to help SMPs self-evaluate their digital capabilities as well as how to improve it. The usage of the tool is open to SMPs free of charge.

The objective of this assessment tool is for Audit and Accountancy firms to be able to self- evaluate their current level of maturity on digital competency, identify areas where competencies are good/ lacking, and then develop a road map for upgrading to a higher level of maturity.

Steps to Completing the DCA survey:

  • Go to your secured members’ login area
  • Proceed to Digital Competence Assessment
  • Complete each section of the Survey. The survey consists of three sections.
  • Section A – The level of automation of the firms` internal processes
  • Section B – Availability of qualified resource pool and talent development relating to digital competencies
  • Section C – Level of automation relating to processes and nature of services being rendered
  • We recommend the firm’s leadership, preferably including someone with IT expertise, meet to form a collective response. Completing the questionnaire will demand the exercise of professional judgment. The questions in each section must be completed using the ‘yes’ or ‘No’ options. At the end of each section click ‘submit’ to save the answers and move to the next section. Complete all three sections in the same manner.
  • Finally, click ‘Final Result’ to see the digitalization level for each section.

Once you have submitted your answers and generated results you would not be able to refill the survey. It would be a one-time activity.

Digital Competency Assessment (DCA) is only for self-evaluation by practicing firms of their digital competence maturity and taking steps to move up the maturity level.

I hope the above questionnaire will help our SMPs to improve their digital profile and enable the Institute to make more informed policy decisions regarding SMPs. 

Your feedback would be much appreciated to help us further improve the questionnaire. For feedback or any query about the Questionnaire, you may contact: